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Kat Armas

Kat Armas (MDiv and MAT, Fuller Theological Seminary), is a Cuban-American writer and speaker, hosts The Protagonistas podcast.

Kat Armas

Writer & Speaker

Kat Armas (MDiv and MAT, Fuller Theological Seminary), a Cuban-American writer and speaker, hosts The Protagonistas podcast, where she highlights stories of everyday women of color, including writers, pastors, church leaders, and theologians. She has written for Christianity Today, Sojourners, Relevant, Christians for Biblical Equality, Fuller Youth Institute, Fathom magazine, and Missio Alliance. Armas also works on the “Living a Better Story” project at the Fuller Youth Institute and speaks regularly at conferences on race and justice.

Book Kat Armas

Abuelita Faith: What Women on the Margins Teach Us about Wisdom, Persistence, and Strength

Releasing August 10, 2021

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