We no longer mark months with holidays, we mark them with hashtags #stopaapihate #blacklivesmatter #lavidaessagrada #icantbreathe #saytheirnames #weweclomerefugees. As people of faith and justice we are navigating nuances that are not only complex – they are exhausting.
The feelings are endless, and yet the journey of chasing justice must continue. So what do we do with our feelings? Stuff them down? Blurt them out? Take it out on others? Drown them in one too many shots of whiskey or pints of ice cream? Been there!
This is the Psalm I have been praying as I name the evil and seek justice.
How long, Lord? Will you forget us forever?
How long will you hide your face from us?
How long must we wrestle with our thoughts
and day after day have sorrow in our heart?
How long will white supremacy and american nationalism triumph?
Look on us and answer, Lord our God.
Give light to our eyes, or we will sleep in death,
Give air to our crushed, submerged, violated lungs for we can’t breathe.
Give strength to our steps as we continue to march for justice.
Give wisdom to our words as we make a case for our humanity.
Give rest to our bodies as we stand against the abuse of the white church.
Give hope to our souls that there is a better way with BIPOC at the center.
or my enemy will say, “I have overcome,”
and my foes will rejoice when we fall.
But we trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.
We will sing your praise,
for you has been good to us.
(Psalm 13:1-6)
The feelings are endless, but the good news is that Jesus is not concerned with the way we come. He invites us: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
— A word from our Executive Director, Sandra Maria Van Opstal